The Story…
This is the ‘About Us’ page but I really think this is more about YOU.
Just read below to find out more about how this site can help you out with your DIY auto body and custom paint projects.
For The True Story of Tony B. Richie and, watch the video below:
Where you’ll get to know me, up front and personal.
How I really had 2 dads….
How I painted my first scooter at 12 years old, and panted my Stepfathers car, (a 1989 Honda Accord) when I was 15.
How I dropped out of school in Hawaii and was sent to New York..
Why I created LABAP…
Learn Auto Body And Paint was created with ONE goal in mind.
That goal was to help YOU successfully learn how to apply today’s auto body and paint strategies to all of your own projects from home, big or small.
And it doesn’t matter if you have experience or not.

Currently Tony has over 23 years of hands on collision repair and custom paint experience under his belt. He has complete experience on rebuilding classic American cars as well as imports such as BMW, Mercedes, Lexus, Honda, Toyota’s and many other exotics. No to mention, he also has professional experience with frame machines, custom painting and the auto body business.
Tony started working on small 50cc mopeds from his home garage and fathers shop at the ripe age of 12 years old. He quickly moved over to fixing and selling motorcycles in his spare time after the school days were over.
By the age of 15 He had painted his first car using the single stage acrylic enamel systems. “I remember painting my step fathers 1989 Honda Accord.” It was a black car and he always complained that it was hot inside. Tony said, “Let me paint it white for you!” After that, history was made and Tony was hooked on automotive painting and customization.
So, how did Tony get started in auto body repair?
His father Joe, ran a successful auto body shop for over 20 years before Tony started showing an interest at age 12.
By the time Tony was 21 he had custom painted dozens of cars for himself, at the same time he had built a large customer following. Some of his customer paint jobs were featured in local car shows in the City of Honolulu, Hawaii.
Tony has a passion for cars and a passion for teaching others who want to learn this fun, exciting and rewarding skill-set. Because of this passion, Tony searched the Internet looking for auto body and paint sites that provide value to passionate do-it-yourselfers and found nothing but junk online…
He had purchased many auto body and paint books, courses and DVD’s just to see what was being taught & was really disappointed on how they were all put together. Not truly step-by-step and at times the videos would leave you more confused than when you first started out.
What we do for you, and how we can help!
Tony spends a lot of time contributing to this site to provide you with the best and accurate information related to DIY auto body repair and painting. We provide beginner/advanced automotive enthusiasts like yourself with structured, step-by-step lessons; making it easier for you to learn auto body and paint in your spare time from home.
We don’t expect you to know anything about auto body and paint or customization before you begin with us… We take an extremely simple, yet effective approach to teaching you how to complete custom paint jobs, restore classics, repair rust, install a body kit, and so much more. You’ll never find yourself lost in our lessons and courses.

And because some of our courses are downloadable, or stream within the members area, you can view and learn from them anywhere, anytime. That’s why over 500,000 subscribers just like you have used our learnautobodyandpaint free blog trainings and videos.
You’re not left out in the cold anymore.
Yes, our VIP club is NOT just a DVD course or a bunch of unorganized videos. We give you access to a ‘like minded’ real community of people just like you. You can access our private forums or our private Facebook group and ask any specific question that you have about your project and get the instant feedback and tech help that you need.
Read below to see what a VIP member thinks about our auto body training home study course.
“When watching and learning from Tony’s auto body and paint Videos I feel like a friend is talking to me and guiding me through the entire process. He talks so it’s easy for us to understand. He doesn’t confuse you with fancy auto body terms, just simple easy to understand English.”
-A Recommended Course! Joe Barrio, San Jose California.
LearnAutoBodyAndPaint Today
Long story short, Tony has created the ULTIMATE automotive auto body and paint training program & community on the net with THOUSANDS of members from all around the world. But don’t take our word for it, give our VIP Course a risk-free test drive today and just see if it’s for you.You be the judge.
To learn more, please check out the VIP Course from the home page of this site or by clicking here: LABAP VIP Auto Body Course.
…and it doesn’t matter if you’re working on a car, truck, motorcycle or even a boat. If you want to put a nice professional paint job on ANYTHING you’ve got – even if you want to put some nice paint on Your X-BOX you CAN do it.
Auto body and paint repairs and custom jobs can be VERY expensive. But not any more because you can do them yourself.
You already know that automotive body and paint can be very costly if you went out to get it done at a local shop. Not everyone can easily afford these crazy prices and maybe you just want to be able to DO-IT-YOURSELF. Maybe because you’ll actually save a ton of money and learn a valuable and profitable skill, or you may just be a total gear head like the rest of us and LOVE getting your hands dirty.
Learning how to paint a car can be tricky, especially if you follow the wrong instructions. There is a lot of junk floating around the Internet and we are tired of the misconception. This website is organized and loaded with step-by-step how to videos on ALL areas of auto body and paint also with a touch of customization tactics and mechanical fixes.
Auto body work can be confusing when you watch too many random Videos and listen to too many so called experts. They tell you to “do this and do that” and leave the most import part of the videos out by ‘’editing out’’ the real meat. They take out the real Step-by-Step information making it look much easier than what really went down.
At we believe in showing you the ENTIRE Auto Body and Paint process from start to finish on a single car or project.
Yes books are great and you can learn a lot from them. That is why we also have a 150 page step-by-step manual that takes you from the start. We start you off on safety, then what tools you need in the beginning to quickly get you started fast at minimal cost.
FACT! 90% of auto body and paint work can be done by hand! Yes plain old ‘elbow grease’. If you’re starting on a tight budget the only major tools you need are…
- An air compressor 30 – 60 gallon is ideal when starting out.
- Cheap spray gun. Your cost about $150. for a pretty darn good one too!
- Your paint materials which include your sand papers, fillers, primers, and paint.
That’s really it!
In all, we are a one stop shop toward getting you prepared in fixing ANY PROJECT You desire. Feel free to bookmark this site and come back often. We constantly add more content to the site and update it regularly. Make sure to roam the site and see what our VIP section has to offer you. You may be in for a big surprise.
Connect With Tony. B Richie On Social Media:
Contact and Address:
Tony B. Richie
2650 FM 407 E STE 145-133
Bartonville TX, 76226
Business Inquires:
Email: [email protected]
Interested in guest blogging?
- Must be automotive related and provide value to our readers.
- Original content, which means that it is not copied and pasted from any other websites.
- Submit your post to us at: [email protected] When your post is approved, we will submit it to our website and notify you.
- You are welcome to place anchor text links back to your website, but please limit to (2) links per post.
Why write guest blog posts?
- Provides exposure and an inbound link to your site (s) and/or social media for you.
- Free content for us! – WIN/WIN
tony: INCREDIBLY IMPRESSED with your videos and web site. I only have one criticism: I’m disappointed in your use of ‘booth babes’ in your web photos. I know this is traditional in the auto industry, but it’s time for it to change. Women who model or do promotion for you may say they do not feel degraded, but if true they are in shrinking minority. We don’t do ethnic stereotypes, and we shouldn’t do gender, either. I also think that if I were a female interested in cars, I’d be offended and leave. Read this article in Fortune magazine and consider updating your site…
Thanks for the feedback, Jesse! Will review and take this back to the team! 🙂 Appreciate it.
how are you i love ur work very beautiful work i have a infiniti 2005 G35 that i need help painting please contact me. Please keep put out great work thank you so much.
Hey Steve! Thanks for the awesome feedback! We do have the step by step process on auto body work and paint! To get started, grab your FREE 85-Page Auto Body And Paint Manual here:
Tony this is an awesome course and thanks for all the pointers. I was wondering about the Rustoleum professional paint. I see you using regular Rustoleum. Is the professional paint mixed the same way. I have read specs on the paint and it seems to hold up a lot better than just plain rustoleum and it is uv resistant.
I like your videos and the info that you provide for every one I am painting my own car and I really appreciate your tips that I got from you Tanks again….
Thank you Sergio! You should check out LABAP VIP. and maybe I’ll see you inside!
Seems like a RIP off. Purchased the monthly membership and my account has been disabled. Tried contacting someone from here and nothing.
Hey Berto, Sorry to hear you’re having issues with your VIP Profile. The team corrected the glitch and you should be able to access the membership site now. You will continue to have access to the program for the duration of your subscription. Thank you. You may email us at [email protected] for further concerns.
Hey Tony, love your videos and tutorials man.
I’m a total newbie and am looking for a spray gun that will cover my needs spraying primers and Metal Flake with Intercoat. My projects will be relatively small like helmets, signs and metal coolers. I don’t want to break the bank on a top end spray gun but also want a gun that will last me for many years. Your a fan of the Warwick brand of guns and from what I see their price point is within my budget.
What would you recommend for a spray gun that would fit my needs?
Keep up with the cool videos.
Tony, I have an interesting problem that requires an experienced and honest answer. In the UK, many of the classic cars that are really prized are those that are in an ‘as found’ condition and have only had mechanical upgrades or repairs. This leaves the external paint with the patina of years of honest use. However, where there has been damage to the body that has been repaired badly, very often with heavy use of filler rather than sympathetic panel beating how does one approach the repair while maintaining the honesty of the original finish. It’s an interesting problem and one I am not sure how to overcome. Perhaps it is like repairing an old master painting where the damage is faked to resemble the original aged canvas.
I would appreciate your thought on this.
Hey Tommy! Thanks for sending in your question! Tony will answer this in his Q&A series videos! Stay tuned!
I tried to download the free book, just to get an idea of the material covered. Unfortunately I am not able to view your youtube videos, as being deployed has limited bandwidth for these types of media. Any assistance would be appreciated.
Hi Richard. Sorry to hear that. You can view the PDF guide here:
please create a similar program for auto mechanic work