hey just letting you know that I have read half of the course, there is a lot of great info in it. I have started my 72 duster project. So far I have had the headers done with dual straight pipes with 2 flowmaster mufflers, sounds great, and then I had 5 percent tint put on the back and 2 little rear passenger side windows and 20 percent put on the driver and passenger side windows. Um, now I have mainly body work and paint left to do, which is why I joined the course. I just removed the rear bumper and mounts, taillights and side marker reflectors and added a new washer fluid housing to the engine compartment area. Great detailed videos & info![/quote][divider_flat] [threecol_one]
[typography font=”Shadows Into Light” color=”#808080″ size=”24″ size_format=”px”]Thomas Lloyd – Michigan[/typography][/threecol_two_last]
[/twocol_one] [twocol_one_last][quote]First off, I think your program is the best out there!, and believe me, I just got ripped off by another one that claims to be the best. I have a little experience in auto body and painting; mostly I did a lot of wet sanding and buffing. I’m a firefighter by trade, so I have a lot of time off and this is going to be perfect for me. Just wanted to say I appreciate what you have done and what you are doing for the future. I’m looking forward to seeing your new stuff and the journey I will be taking with this, once again, thank you very much.[/quote]
[/threecol_one] [threecol_two_last]
[typography font=”Shadows Into Light” color=”#808080″ size=”24″ size_format=”px”]George H. – Florida[/typography][/threecol_two_last] [/twocol_one_last][hr] [twocol_one][quote]Hi Tony! Here’s my testimonial since my English is better in writing (I’m a French Canadian…) Just to let you know that I really love the learnautobodyandpaint.com VIP Membership course. Lots of info and really easy to understand. Everything is really well explained in the e-book and with all those videos; it’s almost like if you are actually with Tony in the paint booth. A really great value for all those hours of video training. Nice work Tony!![/quote][divider_flat] [threecol_one]

[typography font=”Shadows Into Light” color=”#808080″ size=”24″ size_format=”px”]Simon B. – Canada[/typography][/threecol_two_last] [/twocol_one] [twocol_one_last][quote]Hi Tony I just want to say that I am real proud to be a VIP Auto Body member. I had already bought 2 courses but they did not compare. Nothing like yours I am really enjoying it. Its helping me a lot it’s what I been looking for. It’s worth it!
Thanks a lot![/quote] [divider_flat] [threecol_one]

[typography font=”Shadows Into Light” color=”#808080″ size=”24″ size_format=”px”]Raul Gonzalez – Georgia[/typography][/threecol_two_last] [/twocol_one_last][hr] [twocol_one][quote] My name is Antonio, I was one of the first to join learnautobodyandpaint.com membership site. My nickname is Chavo…what I liked about this course is most of the videos Tony show us how to work from your garage without any expensive tools and in a simple way. You don’t need to have a professional shop beside your place. I live in a trailer park so I don’t even have garage! “lol” My personal goal is to fix my 2003 dodge ram after I wrecked with my friends while I was drinking. – I’ll Never do that again… After I wrecked it there were no friends around to help me, so went to the auto paint shop and they quoted me over $5,000.00 to fix the big damage. I decided do-it-myself but I needed some instruction. I then found Tony on YouTube and I did subscribe to learnautobodyandpaint.com and here I’m a VIP Member! I didn’t even spend 1/6th of what the body shops quoted me. I already have all tools and parts needed. All my friends said I will not succeed and they turned me down “what friends!” but when I watched Tony’s videos I knew that I could do it! My goal is to paint my baby black matte and shut their mouths! We have a private forum inside where we can share ideas and help each other. There are people from all over the world. I will see you guys inside and again my nickname is Chavo if any question… Thanks tony for all your tips and answers I found paint and clear for $300 and all the parts for my truck on craigslist. I also found a 6 hp 30 gallon craftsman for $200! thanks again. Now I know, if I can imagine I can do it! Recommended course and training! See u later[/quote][divider_flat] [threecol_one]

[typography font=”Shadows Into Light” color=”#808080″ size=”24″ size_format=”px”]Chavo Smyrna. – Tennessee[/typography][/threecol_two_last] [/twocol_one] [twocol_one_last][quote]Hey Tony, I am Fernando Leon, 22 years old from Armona California. Well I’ve been interested in the customization of cars for a while now but I didn’t have enough knowledge to actually start. I’ve learned the mechanics of a car, adding aftermarket parts, and a little body work but I wanted to learn more. Before doing my first paint job, I searched on YouTube for videos on professionally painting cars. I came across one of Tony’s videos where he was painting the Toyota RAV4. I liked how the paint job came out and I decided to subscribe to his channel and to the websites newsletter. Your course is great because you explain things in thorough yet “simple terms”. You show us the steps in a good pace to where we can understand. I’ve learned the correct tools to do a successful body work job, the proper procedure from beginning to end and which products would work best. Tony is a real person because whenever I get stuck somewhere and ask you a question he responds in the private forum. I was a bit skeptical because I didn’t know if it was going to be a course I could easily understand. After joining, my skepticism went away. Thanks Tony![/quote] [divider_flat] [threecol_one]

[typography font=”Shadows Into Light” color=”#808080″ size=”24″ size_format=”px”]Fernando Leon. – California[/typography][/threecol_two_last] [/twocol_one_last]