How To Sand Convex, Concave and Contour Body Lines Using a DA, Block and Your Hand 🚘

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Hey, it’s Tony here from LearnAutoBodyAndPaint with another question from Tom about concave, contour and convex surfaces when sanding. 

“Hi Tony. How do you use a DA Sander on large and small concave surfaces? I don’t have problems on convex contours and flat surfaces, but it seems difficult for indented body contours.”

Convex is an outward surface while concave are inward surfaces. Classic cars have this style of body lines. 

You can use a thicker and softer sponge to help you squeeze into the concave areas. Check out the video as I do a little demo for you on these surfaces. 

When you use a sand paper for these surfaces, you can save them to use on a flat surface or on cutting bondo. Just because you burned through the edge that doesn’t mean you have to throw it out. 

You can also use a hand block. Use your hands to get to round areas and hard to reach areas. Your hands are the best block that you can use for your body work! 🙂 Of course, use a hard block for hard surfaces.

It’s Tony from LearnAutoBodyAndPaint. I hope you enjoyed this short video and hope this helps you guys with your own car projects. 

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Talk soon! Cheers! 


Other Helpful Links:

Live Auto Bodywork Straight Sanding and Blocking

Secrets To a Professional Gloss When Color Sanding And Buffing Your Car

Dual Action Sander Setting, Dry Wet Sanding and Orange PEEL Situations 🍊

Straight Sanding, Guide Coat, and Blocking Techniques Made EASY

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