The process of repainting a car can seem daunting, but with the right preparation and execution, it can be a relatively easy process. In this post, we’ll discuss the basics of painting your car, from prep work to paint blending. We’ll also answer some common questions about painting cars. If you’re thinking of repainting your car, read on for tips and advice that will help make the process easier.
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QUESTION: Is it best to epoxy over fresh blasted steel?
I would spray a two-part epoxy on that. Let it flash for about two hours, give or take. Then mix up some 2K filler primer and coat it =two heavy coats with filler primer, and then you should be good with blocking and glaze putty if needed.
And you got to do bodywork, you could actually scuff that and then put body filler over the primer and then reprime it.
When blasted as a media blasted or bare steel, you could just spray right over it. Then if you want to scuff it up a little with 80 grit you could, it’s not gonna hurt, just give it a quick 30-second scuff whatever panel you’re working on.
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You might want to just re-subscribe to so you can get to that page. Once you subscribe to the free training here, on the next page we have a special offer to join VIP for an annual subscription of $47 which is like $3.50 a month for all the exclusive content, giveaways, and VIP support so try that.

If you still having an issue my support team will gladly help you out. You can just reach out to them at [email protected]. You can even email [email protected].
QUESTION: I will paint my Willys Wagon metallic copper single stage then I’m painting the recessed panels with satin black over the copper what do you think?
That’s gonna look tight. What you could do is to sand it where you’re gonna be doing your satin black and then clear coating the whole thing.
QUESTION: Repainting some parts but don’t want to sand all the paint off. The paint is in good condition just changing the color. Can I just sand and then paint over?
Yes, absolutely. Just keep in mind, a good decent single-stage or basecoat paint job is a good foundation to accept a new layer of paint. Whether you’re doing single stage again or basecoat clear coat.
QUESTION: How do I mask out the rest of the car to blend paint and clear without a hard line?
We do have step-by-step videos of this in VIP, please check out So you have blended into your adjacent panel and then clearcoat the whole panel to get a good blend. It’s also a spray gun technique.
QUESTION: It has good condition paint and clear on it (solvent base), now repainting with water base paint. Any issues with that? And what grit do I sand with?
You just have to paint over 400 grit. it’s really good grit to accept new basecoats. If you’re painting a single stage, you could finish off with a 320 grit and you’ll be fine. Go a little rougher, you don’t have to be as fine and as meticulous prepping if you’re painting a single-stage versus a two-stage.
QUESTION: I just painted my truck 2 tone and had some light over spray, what can I wipe it off with without hurting the paint? I used a single stage enamel.
You can get a clay bar. You can get it on Amazon or, that’s where I get a lot of my automotive stuff from our partner. Also, we have videos in VIP or on our channel on how to use a clay bar.
The clay bar will take an overspray off painted panels if you got overspray on it. You mix a solution of dishwasher soap and water like a very few drops in a gallon.
📌(Have two tablespoons of dishwasher soap and fill out with water and just pour on the panel, get the clay bar, and come right out.)
Watch the full video for more autobody and painting tips
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