LearnAutoBodyAndPaint: Learn Auto Body Live by Tony Bandalos

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It’s Tony with another live stream. Welcome to today’s Learn Auto Body Live.

I am at the Sands Hotel in Grants, New Mexico where Elvis used to stay. His room is a few doors down the hall. I am on the way to a special workshop on Saturday and Sunday, which I can’t tell you right now. However, I am sure all of you will benefit from it.

I was working on my garage and didn’t do a live last week. An artist came by and we collaborated, painted and blasted out my garage. There were video footages of it, not sure if you saw it.

It looks awesome with the graffiti. I’ll upload all the videos soon. It was a three-day work with the artist, so I was super busy last week.

Question: Can I apply a filler, primer or body filler after epoxy? [6:43]

Yes, absolutely. That’s actually what you’re supposed to do. After you do the epoxy primer, sand it down flat. Then, put your filler primer on top of that and get that ready for paint.

If you want to learn more, grab your FREE 85-Page Auto Body And Paint Manual, get started on your own DIY auto body project.

Question: How much paint is needed to paint a Honda? [8:19]

What kind of Honda? Is it a convertible, a 2-door or a 4-door Honda? The next question is, what kind of paint are you going to use? Will it be a synthetic enamel or acrylic enamel? Single-stage or basecoat clearcoat? You will need different amounts for different types of systems.

Then, will you also be keeping same color or changing the color completely? That would really depend on the type of project.

If you are working on your own custom projects, I strongly recommend the LearnAutoBodyAndPaint VIP Course and get a comprehensive, step-by-step instruction to help you with your work.

You can also sign up for our FREE forum at The Pub. It’s a great way to interact with like-minded individuals.

You can post pictures or videos of your projects and get some help and advice within the community. It is easier for me as well to give advice with pictures or videos.

Question: On your two-tone project, what did you use on your Atom X21 Spray Gun to shoot your clear? [21:54]

I used the 1.4mm tip size. You can also use the 1.3mm tip size. Some people prefer this tip size, but I like the 1.4mm tip more because it gives you a little bit more clear coat. However, you can use both sizes.

If you would like to learn more about the Atom Spray Guns, head on over to Zoolaa and grab yours now.

It’s Tony from LearnAutoBodyAndPaint. Thank you everyone for joining me today. I will be releasing and sharing some great content next week from the event this weekend, which you will surely love!

I hope you liked today’s live show. Please don’t forget to Like, Share and Subscribe to my videos. See in my next live session.

Cheers! Talk soon!


Other Helpful Links:

DIY Learn Auto Body And Paint Questions and Answers Live!

Learn Auto Body And Paint Live from Japan – Spray Gun Talk and Q&A

DIY Auto Body Live Q&A Plus Updates! 8:30 PM CST

Learn Auto Body and Paint Q&A – Auto Bodywork Tips and Answers

Auto Body Q&A – What You Working On Now?

2 thoughts on “LearnAutoBodyAndPaint: Learn Auto Body Live by Tony Bandalos”

  1. Tony my name is Isauro Martinez I order your system of videos you have on sale for $147.00 for VIPs I give you my credit card number n is ben over 2 months a go n I haven’t got any thing on the Mail or my money back on the C/crd whats going ON ?


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